Zakład Biotechnologii Medycznej Wydziału Biochemii, Biofizyki i Biotechnologii UJ zaprasza na wykład, który 15 czerwca (środa), o godzinie 12.00, w Sali P1.2. przy ul. Gronostajowej 7 (III Campus UJ, WBBiB) wygłosi Jonathan Kimmelman, PhD James McGill Professor, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Ethical and Policy Issues with Individualized Clinical Trials
Recent years have witnessed growing interest and utilization of “individualized clinical trials”- that is, trials testing precision medicine therapies where patients are used as their own controls. In this talk I will describe the basic scientific principles behind individualized clinical trials. I will then explain various ethical and policy challenges in implementing individualized clinical trials, arguing that such studies maintain traditional tensions between research and care, and that individualized clinical trial methods, as currently implemented, present nontrivial validity threats and ethical challenges.
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Wizyta Prof. Kimmelmana – Profesora Wizytującego na Wydziale Nauk o Zdrowiu odbywa się w ramach programu POB qLIFE Program Visiting Scientists.