Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z nowym artykułem zespołu Zakładu Filozofii i Bioetyki pt. Ethics of research engagement with Deaf people. A qualitative evidence synthesis (Etyka badań naukowych z udziałem osób Głuchych. Synteza danych jakościowych):
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Abstrakt artykułu:
In this article, we explore ethical issues of Deaf people’s engagement in research. To focus on the perspectives of Deaf people, we investigated existing qualitative and mixed methods research within a qualitative evidence synthesis. Our synthesis is based on a systematic database search (Scopus, PubMed) and reference check of included papers which resulted in 27 eligible papers. We analyzed the data using thematic synthesis and developed 5 analytical themes. The results present research as a struggle for Deaf people and emphasize the need for changes regarding recognition of Deaf research in a cross-cultural context, maintaining equal and partner relations, and provision of accessible communication. Our research contributes to understanding what the ethical inclusion of Deaf people in research implies. It may also support the development of evidence-based normative recommendations and scientific cooperation between Deaf and hearing people.