Senior lecturer at the Department of Bioethics.
Born in Białystok in 1956, he studied theatrology and philosophy at the Jagiellonian University and obtained Ph.D. degree in philosophy in 1990. He gives lectures and seminars on philosophy of biomedical sciences, bioethics and ethics of scientific research for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as for students of the School of Medicine in English.
He developed his scientific qualifications during the fellowships at the Centre for Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare, University of Wales in Swansea (1992) and at the Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities, University of Tuebingen (1997).
Among main fields of his scientific explorations are: philosophy of health and disease, methodology of biomedical sciences, anthropological and axiological foundations of medical ethics, and ethics of scientific research. He is a member of the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care, secretary of Krakow’s Branch of Polish Philosophical Society, board member of Polish Society of Bioethics and Polish Society of Medical Law, and a member of Polish Society for Public Health.
Selected publications
- Zbigniew Zalewski, “Jak długo mamy obowiązek żyć?”, w: Przedłużanie życia jako problem moralny, pod red. Barbary Chyrowicz, Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Lublin 2008, s. 39-58
- Zbigniew Zalewski, “Wstępny zarys problematyki. Bioetyka a zdrowie publiczne”, w: Cezary Włodarczyk et al. (red.), Zdrowie publiczne w krajach europejskich. Wybrane zagadnienia etyczne, Wydawnictwo UJ, Kraków 2007, s. 25-32
- Tomasz Brzostek, Zbigniew Zalewski, “Clinical bioethics at the end of life”, w: Renzo Pegoraro et al. (red.), Hospital based bioethics. A European Perspective, Piccin, Padova 2007, s. 95-114
- Win Tadd, (…) Zbigniew Zalewski, Anna Białecka et al., “The value of nurses’ codes: European nurses’ views”, Nursing Ethics, 2006, vol. 13, z. 4, s. 376-393
- Zbigniew Zalewski, “Dlaczego nie powinniśmy się obawiać społeczeństwa informacyjnego?”, w: Społeczeństwo informatyczne: szansa czy zagrożenie, red. B. Chyrowicz, Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Lublin 2003, s.103–114,
- Zbigniew Zalewski, “Czy istnieją granice postępu w badaniach naukowych w medycynie? Spór o komórki macierzyste”, Sztuka Leczenia, 2002, 1, 47-52.
- Zbigniew Zalewski, “Mapa ludzkiego genomu – złudne(?) nadzieje i realne(?) zagrożenia”. Sztuka Leczenia, 2001, 1, 65-75.
- Zbigniew Zalewski, “Bioethics in pluralistic societies – what does it all mean?”, w: A.J. Schauer, H.-L. Schreiber, Z. Ryn, J. Andres (eds.), Ethics in Medicine, Göttingen 2001, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 501–507.
- Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Zbigniew Zalewski (eds.), “Human Being Between Life and Death: Medicine’s Contribution to Philosophy”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston, 2000, Analecta Husserliana vol. 64.
- Zbigniew Zalewski, “What philosophy should be taught to the future medical professionals”. Medicine, Healthcare & Philosophy. A European Journal, 2000, 2, 161-167.
- Zbigniew Zalewski, “Importance of philosophy of science to the history of medical thinking”. Croatian Medical Journal, 1999, 1, 8-13.
- Zbigniew Zalewski, “On medical ethics in Poland and its impact on public life”. Biomedical Ethics, Newsletter of the European Network for Biomedical Ethics, 1997, 2, 50-53.