PhD, is a graduate of the Centre for Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in the Humanities, Warsaw University with a master’s degree in philosophy and a graduate from the Helsinki Foundation School for Human Rights. Since 2008 an assistant professor at the Jagiellonian University Medical College. She is a member of Bioethics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences (since 2011) and a member of executive board of the Polish Unit of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (since 2013). Snice 2017 the president of the first instance of the Disciplinary Court of Association of the Employers’ Union of Innovative Pharmaceutical Companies INFARMA. She is the author of ‘Nieszczęsny dar życia’ [The Unfortunate Gift of Life] (Warsaw, 2009) and “(Nie)poradność systemowa. Praktyka poradnictwa genetycznego towarzyszącego diagnostyce prenatalnej” [Systemic (In)Capacity. On Genetic Counselling Accompanying Prenatal Diagnostics] (2022). She is a co-editor of ‘Bioethics’ (2013). In 2009 she was a nominee for “The Polish Woman of the Year” (in science).
Main areas of interest:
End of life ethics
Ethical and social aspects of prenatal diagnosis
Sexual ethics
Research ethics
Selected publications:
Chańska, W., & Grunt-Mejer, K. (2022). The Directiveness that Dare Not Speak Its Name. Views and Attitudes of Polish Clinical Geneticists toward the Nondirectiveness Principle. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 1-13.
Chańska, W. (2022). The principle of nondirectiveness in genetic counseling. Different meanings and various postulates of normative nature. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy.
Różyńska, J., Chańska, W., Łuków, P., Zielińska, E., Chyrowicz, B., Karkowska, D., & Hartman, J. (2021). Konflikt interesów w praktyce zawodów medycznych : Rekomendacje Komisji do spraw etyki w ochronie zdrowia (2013-2016). Przegląd Prawa Medycznego, 3(1-2), 5–39.
Grunt-Mejer, K., & Chańska, W. (2020). “How do they even know they love?” : the image of polyamory in Polish expert discourse. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49(8), 2829–2847.
Chańska, W., & Grunt-Mejer, K. (2018). Komentarz do stanowiska Amerykańskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego pt. “Właściwe afirmatywne postępowanie wobec osób odczuwających stres z powodu swojej orientacji seksualnej oraz prób jej zmiany.” Seksuologia Polska, 16(2), 67–71.
Chańska, W., & Grunt-Mejer, K. (2016). The unethical use of ethical rhetoric : the case of flibanserin and pharmacologisation of female sexual desire. Journal of Medical Ethics, 42(11), 701–704.
Chańska, W. (2015). Ewolucja dyrektyw na przyszłość w amerykańskiej praktyce medycznej. Prawo I Medycyna, 17(1), 24–55.
Różyńska, J., & Chańska, W. (2013). Abortion in Poland : law and practice. In J. Sandor (Ed.), Studies in biopolitics (pp. 41–59). Center for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine – Central European University.