
Upcoming events:

We invite you to participate in the conference “Truth, Trust, and Technology: Social Sciences and AI Countering Misinformation” co-organized by the staff of the Department of Bioethics.

📅 Date: April 3–4, 2025, in Kraków (in-person format)

📝 Registration: Open until March 1, 2025, or until spots are filled via the form


  • The role of artificial intelligence in detecting and combating misinformation
  • Psychological and social factors influencing trust in information


  • Yara Kyrychenko (University of Cambridge)
  • Aleksandra Nabożny (Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology)
  • Cecilie Steenbuch Traberg (University of Cambridge)
  • Romuald Polczyk (Jagiellonian University)
  • Valentin Mang (University of Groningen)
  • Dr. Paweł Gwiaździński (Commission of National Education University in Kraków)
  • Michał Pluciński (Poznań University of Technology)
  • Dr. Klaudia Rosińska (Academy of Social and Media Culture in Toruń)
  • Jonas Kunst (University of Oslo)

Who is it for?

We welcome both academics and professionals working in social sciences, artificial intelligence, media studies, and public health.

🎓 Free admission is available for students and PhD candidates upon prior registration.

📌 Download the conference poster (PDF)

🌐 Project website: #Webimmunization


  • Jagiellonian University Medical College
  • Poznań University of Technology
  • University of Oslo
  • Jerzy Maj Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences

Conferences organized or co-organized by Department of Philosophy and Bioethics:

🌐 Join Us for the online seminar: Why People Believe Misinformation – and What We Can Do About It

📅 Date: 17 December

🕒 Time: 4:45 PM CET

🎥 Live Streaming on YouTube – Scan the QR code in the image or follow the link: >>>

We are excited to welcome Dr. Jon Roozenbeek, Lecturer in Psychology and Security from King’s College London, who will discuss the psychology behind misinformation and how we can counteract it.

The seminar (held in ENG) is part of the #Webimmunization project, funded by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 in collaboration with the National Science Centre (NCN). 

We kindly invite you for mini-conference, summarizing the project #webimmunization. The event will be held at April 3, 2024 (Wednesday) 9:00-11:45, Jagiellonian University Medical College building, Kopernika 40 street, room 308

Organizers: Research team of the #Webimmunization project

Detailed information: >>>

Online seminar Demagoguery, Technology, and Cognition: Addressing the Threats to Democracy with Prof. Stephan Lewandowsky, University of Bristol

Date: February 16, 2023 (Thursday) at 10:00 am CET; Organizers: Research team of the #Webimmunization project

Detailed information: >>>

Midterm seminar with Dr Jon Roozenbeek. Dr Roozenbeek is the British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the Cambridge Social Decision-Making Lab. His research focuses on misinformation, vaccine hesitancy, online extremism and inoculation theory. As part of his research, he co-developed the award-winning fake news games Bad News, Harmony Square and Go Viral. During the seminar, he will speak on how to counter misinformation using psychology.

Date: 6 July 2022, organiser: the #Webimmunization project team.

More information: >>>

Twitter Research Ethics Online Seminar – international online seminar

Date: 29.04.2021, Organizers: Research team of the #Webimmunization project

Detailed information: link.


How Can Online Social Networks Create Collective Resilience Against Misinformation? International Online Conference

Date: 01.12.2020

Organizers: The online conference is organized jointly by the research team of the #Webimmunization project and the Kościuszko Institute.

The #Webimmunization research project received funding from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 through the NCN call IdeaLab. Project registration number: 2019/35/J/HS6/03498

More information:

Death and Dying: Medical, Cultural and Environmental PerspectivesKraków, September 25-26, 2020 – an international conference under the auspices of Vice Rector for Medical College, prof. dr hab. Tomasz Grodzicki, Deans of the Faculty of Health Sciences: dr hab. Piotr Pierzchalski, prof. UJ, prof. dr hab. Tomasz Brzostek (Dean in 2012-2020) and Radio Kraków.

Conference Brochure​  
Conference Programme 

Ethical Challenges of Research Conducted in Disaster Settings, Krakow 8-9.02.2016, Joint workshop organized by the Disaster Bioethics COST Action IS1201 and The Faculty of Health Science, Jagiellonian University Medical College. Więcej informacji

Problematyka umierania i śmierci w perspektywie medyczno-kulturowej [Problems of death and dying in a medical and cultural perspective], 20-21.XI. 2015, miejsce konferencji: Collegium Nowodworskiego, ul. św. Anny 12, Kraków

Konferencja naukowa zorganizowana pod patronatem Rektora Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego prof. dr hab. med. Wojciecha Nowaka, Krakowskiego Hospicjum dla Dzieci im. ks. Józefa Tischnera, Stowarzyszenia Wspierania Onkologii UNICORN, Radia Kraków we współpracy z Kliniką Leczenia Bólu i Opieki Paliatywnej UJCM oraz z Polskim Towarzystwem Badania Bólu

Etyczne problemy zarządzania w ochronie zdrowia [Healthcare management. Ethical issues] Krakow, 5-6 October 2012. Conference organized with co-operation with Wolters Kluwer Poland.

Etyczne aspekty decyzji medycznych [Healthcare decisionmaking. Ethical issues], Kraków, 8-9 October 2010. Conference organized with cooperation with Wolters Kluwer Poland. Conference website. A book with selected conference articles was published in 2011: J. Hartman, M. Waligóra (eds.), Etyczne aspekty decyzji medycznych, Warsaw 2011.

Bioetyka w zawodzie lekarza [Bioethics for medical professions], Krakow, 3-4 October 2008. Conference organized with cooperation with Wolters Kluwer Poland A book with selected conference articles was published in 2010: J. Hartman, W. Chańska (eds.), Bioetyka w zawodzie lekarza, Warsaw 2010.

2nd World Congress of Philosophy of Medicine Humane Health Care, Krakow, 23-26. August 2000. Conference organized by by the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare (ESPMH), Central and East European Association of Bioethics with the cooperation of the Department of Philosophy and Bioethics.

Man – Medicine – Philosophy. Tradition and Prospects, Krakow 9-11 May 1996.