Participation in the 16th World Congress of Bioethics

From July 20 to 22, 2022 Department of Philosophy and Bioethics staff (REMEDY members) participated in the 16th World Congress of Bioethics. The congress took place in Basel, Switzerland. The host organization was Institute for Biomedical Ethics at University of Basel .

During the three-day conference, the following presentations were given:

  • Paola Buedo MD, MA:
    • Ethics Lab: real-time research ethics in development of biotechnologies,
    • Bioethics of human gene transfer: what do we know, so far? A systematic review of reasons,
  • mgr Katarzyna Klaś:
    • The informativeness of trials in COVID-19: Lessons learned from the Coronavirus pandemic,
  • dr inż. Karolina Strzebońska:
    • Ethics of a novel research design: systematic evaluation of the risks and benefits in umbrella trials,
  • dr hab. Marcin Waligóra, prof. UJ:
    • Social value of pediatric Phase 1 trials in oncology,
    • Children in Early-Phase Cancer Trials: Risk, Benefit and Social Value.

